TVP breakfast porridge

18 September 2016 - 7:28 by Martine in Breakfast
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Serves: 1 person
TVP breakfast porridge Textured vegetable protein (dry soy granules) are usually used in savory recipes as a stand-in for ground meat, but it actually has a neutral flavor which means they can also be used in sweet recipes! If you cook them with soy or almond milk, sweetener and some cinnamon, they actually taste quite similar to oatmeal, […]

Quick low-carb hot cereal

1 March 2016 - 9:45 by Martine in Breakfast
Tags: ,
Time: preparation 5 minutes, cooking 2 minutes, total 7 minutes
Serves: 1 person
Low carb hot cereal, vegan This homemade low carb cereal is one of my favorite breakfasts, especially during the winter months. It's super quick to make. You just mix a bunch all the dry ingredients in a jar and then in the morning you add a few tablespoons of the dry mix to some plant milk, blitz it in the microwave or heat it up in a pot and you have a lovely hot breakfast porridge that will keep you full for a really long time.